недеља, 16. јун 2013.

Luke Ross Informations

Lucas ''Luke'' Ross
Lucas "Luke" Ross is one of the main characters of JESSIE. He is shown to be a very mischievous boy. He was adopted from Detroit, Michigan when he was five years old. He is the second oldest child in the Ross family, he is 13 years old . He loves breakdancing and video games. He also thinks and considers himself as a "chick magnet" and a "ladies' man." He also has a major crush on Jessie.
Luke Ross is a mischevious, funny boy and prank-loving boy. Several times he is shown to be dull, especially in math, yet he is clever when it comes to playing tricks on his siblings and Bertram.
Luke is a very talented at dancing, especially break dancing. He often finds toning his dancing skills down to be difficult. In the episode "One Day Wonders" he breakdances while Jessie plays the song "Texas Guys" in Central Park. In "Toy Con" he and Emma give Bertram salsa dancing lessons so that he can impress a girl he has a crush on, by showing him some "basic steps," that no novice regardless of their weight can keep up with. When Bertram's self-confidence at the dance contest gets the best of him, Luke takes his place. The girl describes him as "a bit of a showboat," which is proven to be quite true when he and Emma win the contest hands down.
                                        Physical Look
Luke has brown hair, brown eyes and freckles across his nose. He also has dimples on both sides of his mouth. He is said to have a great smile
  • He is a very talented at dancing, especially break dancing.
  • Like his brother Ravi, he enjoys playing video games
  • Connie Thompson (aka. Creepy Connie) had an obsessive and major crush on him.
  • He is not the smartest in school.
  • He tends to not listen.
  • He is a big prankster and pranks Ravi a lot.
  • He doesn't have much of a good aim at the toilet when he uses the bathroom.
  • He possibly dislikes Tony because he to has a crush on Jessie but, it is not shown very often.
  • Has gotten at least one known A+.
  • He likes to prank Ravi.
  • His full name is Lucas Ross.
  • He was originally written as a 10 year old boy from Korea named Hiro.
  • It shows that he wears boxers, but Ravi says he wears tighty whities. But you can also see briefs in one episode. 
  • He has a lizard tooth buried in his butt cheek. 
  • He also may enjoy mooning people as shown when he threatened to moon Emma, and also offered to show Vincent the lizard tooth in his butt.
  • He obviously has bad hygiene, as he brushes his teeth twice a week, barely bathes, and smells like eggs. World Wide Web of Lies, Creepie Connie Comes A Callin, Creepie Connie's Curtain Call.
  • So far in the series the only girls in the show who have liked him are weird girls that he doesn't like.
  • He and Ravi have a good relationship.
  • He is very talented at gymnastics.

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