понедељак, 17. јун 2013.

Ravi Ross Informations

Ravi K. Ross
Ravi K. Ross is an 12-year-old Indian adoptee imbued with his Eastern culture, but is thrilled with his new life in America. He is the optimistic one of the bunch. He was born in India. His first language is Hindi, but he is able to speak English (with a thick Indian accent) too. He thinks he can master a perfect American accent, to which people find shocking. 
Ravi, is originally from India before being adopted by the Ross family a month before the events in "New York,New Nanny". Even though they thought he was going to be baby. He is eager to learn American culture and loves his seven-foot Lizard, Mrs Kipling. He seems to get pranked a lot by his brother Luke and his younger sister Zuri. Ravi's first language is Hindi, but knows how to speak English very well. He is really fun and loves family. It is possible he is from Calcutta, in British India, as shown in Used Karma. Ravi and Mr. Kipling watch The Real Housewives of New York but more often watch The Real Housewives of New Delhi for a real catfight as told in, "The Talented Mrs Kipling". He found Mrs. Kipling in a swamp in India. And he did what any other boy would do to a rare Indian egg- sit on it until it hatches. It was also revealed that Morgan and Christina were expecting Ravi to be a baby in "Gotcha Day" due to a typo on his birth certificate
Ravi is a normal kid. He loves video games, and his pet Mrs. Kipling. He is aganist violence, as seen in "New York,New Nanny". He loves his new life in New York, but is fluent in Hindi, shown in "The Talented Mrs Kipling" along with not being good in a crisis. Ravi worries about other people as seen in ''Creepy Conny Come a Calling''
when Bertram was supposed to be taken by a black shadow. In the episode,are you cooler than a 5th grader,it is revealed that he has a crush on Selena Gomez, saying that his peppers are hotter than her and then saying, "I love you, Go-Go."

недеља, 16. јун 2013.

Zuri Ross Informations

Zenobia ''Zuri'' Ross
Zuri Zenobia Ross is one of the main characters of Jessie. Zuri was adopted at birth from Uganda. She is the youngest member of the Ross Family and also the sassiest. She has imaginary friends and loves to have tea parties, especially with Emma. Her imaginary friend,Mylly The Mermaid, appeared in Princess and the Pea Brain. Her other friend Chubby the Bear is a stuffed animal. It seems she has a very loving and hopeful humor with "Millie" and "Chubby" and she hates homework.
Physical Look
Zuri has brown hair and brown eyes. She usually wears tutu's and lots of necklaces. She can be seen in cute pigtails or a cute ponytail, but rarely wears her curly hair down.
  • She was brought home in April.
  • Zuri is very sassy and her personality is similar to that of the title character's in the Roxy Hunter movie franchise.
  • Zuri claims to be her mom's favorite child. (World Wide Web Of Lies)
  • Her favorite topping on an ice cream is caramel, and she has at least once mistaken the word 'Karma' for 'caramel' .
  • She blames global warming for everything bad that happens.
  • She can be bribed with candy.
  • Due to her young age, she still believes in the Easter Bunny and in Santa.
  • She has cable TV.
  • She was in the 2nd grade in Season 1. But then in Make New Friends,But He Is Old, she entered the 3rd grade.
  • She takes piano lessons, but hasn't learned anything because her teacher tells her about her break-up.
  • She is a major Tessie shipper, considering she started it.
  • She wants to marry Chubby the bear 
  • Her name is the almost the same as Tom Cruise's daughter, Suri.
  • Has called Mr. Kipling an "Over-Grown Gecko"
  • Zuri is very silly but sometimes can be serious.
  • She goes all crazy when she eats cake. 
  • Her godfather is Johnny Depp.
  • She found Jessie on the street and once called her a "street nanny" 
  • Jessie kind of thinks that Zuri is getting older and the sign of Milly the Mermaid dying was a sign of her getting rid of her imaginary friends.
  • It is revealed that her full name is Zuri Zenobia Ross.
  • It is shown that Zuri is good at writing songs.
  • Her middle name Zenobia was originally spelled with an "a" instead an "e".
  • She often says "Tony knows a guy".
  • In (Teacher's Pest) She was having a liking problem with her strict math teacher.
  • Blames everything on Luke since first season.
  • Zuri could be bribed by money, bacon, bedtime extensions, and extra TV time.
  • She is a Carrie Underwood fan.
  • She can't sing, play the piano, or do ballet well 
  • She usually says Mmmmm-hmmmmm.
  • She refuses to read in Jessie's Big Break.
  • She has switched bodies with Jessie when they were fighting with Ravi's Bell.

Luke Ross Informations

Lucas ''Luke'' Ross
Lucas "Luke" Ross is one of the main characters of JESSIE. He is shown to be a very mischievous boy. He was adopted from Detroit, Michigan when he was five years old. He is the second oldest child in the Ross family, he is 13 years old . He loves breakdancing and video games. He also thinks and considers himself as a "chick magnet" and a "ladies' man." He also has a major crush on Jessie.
Luke Ross is a mischevious, funny boy and prank-loving boy. Several times he is shown to be dull, especially in math, yet he is clever when it comes to playing tricks on his siblings and Bertram.
Luke is a very talented at dancing, especially break dancing. He often finds toning his dancing skills down to be difficult. In the episode "One Day Wonders" he breakdances while Jessie plays the song "Texas Guys" in Central Park. In "Toy Con" he and Emma give Bertram salsa dancing lessons so that he can impress a girl he has a crush on, by showing him some "basic steps," that no novice regardless of their weight can keep up with. When Bertram's self-confidence at the dance contest gets the best of him, Luke takes his place. The girl describes him as "a bit of a showboat," which is proven to be quite true when he and Emma win the contest hands down.
                                        Physical Look
Luke has brown hair, brown eyes and freckles across his nose. He also has dimples on both sides of his mouth. He is said to have a great smile
  • He is a very talented at dancing, especially break dancing.
  • Like his brother Ravi, he enjoys playing video games
  • Connie Thompson (aka. Creepy Connie) had an obsessive and major crush on him.
  • He is not the smartest in school.
  • He tends to not listen.
  • He is a big prankster and pranks Ravi a lot.
  • He doesn't have much of a good aim at the toilet when he uses the bathroom.
  • He possibly dislikes Tony because he to has a crush on Jessie but, it is not shown very often.
  • Has gotten at least one known A+.
  • He likes to prank Ravi.
  • His full name is Lucas Ross.
  • He was originally written as a 10 year old boy from Korea named Hiro.
  • It shows that he wears boxers, but Ravi says he wears tighty whities. But you can also see briefs in one episode. 
  • He has a lizard tooth buried in his butt cheek. 
  • He also may enjoy mooning people as shown when he threatened to moon Emma, and also offered to show Vincent the lizard tooth in his butt.
  • He obviously has bad hygiene, as he brushes his teeth twice a week, barely bathes, and smells like eggs. World Wide Web of Lies, Creepie Connie Comes A Callin, Creepie Connie's Curtain Call.
  • So far in the series the only girls in the show who have liked him are weird girls that he doesn't like.
  • He and Ravi have a good relationship.
  • He is very talented at gymnastics.

Theme Song

Season 1
Season 2

Jessie Prescott Informations

Jessica Prescott
Jessie was born and raised in Fort Hood, a rural town in Texas. Her father is in the Marine Corps, and she often describes him as being strict but soft. At age eighteen, Jessie got the sudden desire to follow her dreams, and moved to New York City as she believed that the place was where dreams came true. She'd told her father that she "had a great job", but actually had no idea where she was going to work. While in a taxi, Jessie realized that her wallet was missing and she had no money. This lead to her being thrown out of the cab, right outside an apartment building. Incidentally, she became the nanny of a high profile couple's four kids, Emma, Luke, Ravi and Zuri Ross.

Physical Look
Jessie has fair skin, auburn hair with bangs, and green eyes. She has a round, plump face and full lips. She usually curls her medium-length hair, but can be seen with straight hair in some episodes. Her outfits are always colorful, and she wears both dresses and blouses, jeans, tights etc. Jessie's most worn type of footwear appears to be boots and sandals, and she is very rarely seen wearing sneakers.
Jessie is a warm-hearted, friendly and kind person. She is always willing to help others, especially the Ross Kids, and tries her best to achieve goals. Even though she can get extremely jealous and annoyed at times, Jessie does her best to make things right at the end. She describes her romantic life to be very embarrassing and sad and states that she has never been on a date where something hasn't gone wrong. She has a fear of Port-a-Potties, but she gets over it in A Doll's Outhouse. Also, in the Star Wars' episode it is revealed she dislikes rats. Jessie is an idealistic, optimistic, well-rounded starry eyed teen who does her best to aim high. She was a straight A-student and Class of 2011 high school graduate in school. Not only that, but she has a squeaky clean record. She knows how to fly a helicopter and loves music. In the meantime, she moved to New York City to live her dream. She is currently working as a nanny for the Ross kid.

  • She is a talented musician who can play the guitar.
  • She is a songwriter
  • She thinks using a cockney British accent is fun.
  • She was left alone on Prom night for the entire Drill team back in Texas.
  • Has a huge family that includes a marine dad, an uncle that likes Katy Perry, another uncle that trains gophers, badgers and possums, an aunt that wears a belly shirt, and a grandma that used to be a crossing guard. 
  • Her grandmother might be dead.
  • She has catlike reflexes, can open chestnut shell with just squeezing her hand, and is very fast and sneaky.
  • She likes Jordan Taylor and his movie, Vampires in The Mist, an obvious parody of Twilight. Jessie keeps a shine to Jordan on the inside of her closet door.
  • She has had many heartbreaks.
  • She is banned from the state of Oklahoma according to her in Badfellas.
  • Since her father was in the army, she had to get a lot of clothes nearby there which make Emma and Zuri disgusted.
  • Jessie's rival nanny is nanny Agatha.
  • Jessie knows how to fly/land a plane.
  • Jessie has the same shoe size as Emma.
  • She can whistle very well.
  • She can hail a taxi
  • She has noise-making animal slippers
  • She is an only child.
  • She likes to sing